Friday, June 24, 2016

A Turn Up for the Books

Well how about that then?  Longlisted for the prestigious Bath Flash Fiction Award with my 300-worder, Tonight's the Night. I'm over the moon and although my funny little tale set in the 50s didn't make it to the short list - it was at least up there in the most fabulous international company.  And it will be published in the BFFA Anthology at the end of this year. So I'm happy. Deliriously so. Here are the winners - and well deserved indeed: winners

I'm not letting the grass grow though. Another coup with one of my illustrations. It has been accepted to illustrate the Ad Hoc story Lights Out by Sian Brighal. Here is my illustration:

I'm pretty chuffed to say the least. Wouldn't you be? If you want to pop on over to look at the story with the illustration first check out my story Not Mimi, ( on page 20 - I think - if you like it please vote - then drop over onto the winners page and scroll down to mid May for the Lights Out story with my (hopefully) intriguing illustration. 

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